Ciapazoi au brüzzu

( Old, rustic, square shaped pasta, topped with bruzzo cheese )

Ingredients: 300gr chestnut flour, 100gr white flour, 100gr bruzzo cheese, 100gr sweet pecorino cheese, 25gr butter, 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup of whole milk, 2 cloves of garlic, water, salt and pepper.

Cooking time: 3 to 4 minutes in boiling water plus a 2-minute stir-fry.

Preparation time: 35 minutes

***: The average recipe. If you are not hopelessly clumsy, but rather appreciate, from time to time, trying yourself at the stove, and you've already got some appreciation from your friends. These recipes will be a sure success!


  1. Mix 300gr of chestnut flour with 100gr of white flour, then add salt and pepper to taste. Mix thoroughly with the addition of lukewarm water (remembering to add a bit of water from time to time, if necessary).

  2. When the mixture is smooth and pretty solid, let it rest for a few minutes (about ten). Mash the mixture with your hands, and with the help of a rolling pin or a sturdy bottle, get a pretty thick dough: three millimetres should be the perfect size.

  3. Cut, with the help of a wheel, some panes of three or four millimetres (not too perfect) and put them, lightly floured, into a practical and large cardboard container for food, soiled with flour .

  4. Cooking: boil for a few minutes (three or four), stirring frequently, in abundant water, salt to taste. To prevent them from sticking together, pour a few drops of olive oil into the boiling water (old trick!).

  5. Regarding the sauce, prepare two cloves of garlic finely chopped and fry with 25gr of butter and two tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil, add 100gr of bruzzo (typical fermented cheese), a glass of whole milk, salt and pepper.

  6. Cook them in a shallow saucepan, preferably earthenware, over low heat for ten minutes. Season the pasta with extra virgin olive oil and add cheese to taste. Serve hot!

Bon appetite !!